Unaccustomed as I am to reviewing music albums, I thought I would make an exception with this offering by Llewellyn, which I think, considering the theme of this blog, apt.
What the composer has set out to do, is select eight of Britain’s most famous hauntings and set them to music. The result is an atmospheric and haunting collection of New Age instrumental pieces, which I think capture the lonely and often desolate landscapes attributed to them.
My favourite track, although I like them all, is 'The Piper', who's ghost is said to haunt Inveraray Castle. The piece starts with the sound of the wind blowing across Loch Fyne and carrying with it the haunting sound of The Piper, who met his end at the hands of Montrose and his army and was hung from the castle battlements. The Piper is still seen walking the castle and the sound of his ghostly pipes still echo across the loch.
Other tracks include, 'Lady Hoby' of Bisham Abbey, who beat her son to death for simply being a little slow. Soon after his death she too succumbed to the Reaper's scythe. It is her ghost that is said to haunt the Tudor abbey to this day.
There is the infamous 'Borley Rectory', which was intensely investigated by the late paranormal researcher Harry Price, who in 1929, gave Borley the title of Most Haunted House in England.
Llewellyn is an accomplished writer and composer of New Age music. I hope you enjoy Ghosts as much as I have and decide to add it to your music library.
Hear the entire first track - The Piper
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